А Вы оставляете чаевые в этих странах?

А Вы оставляете чаевые в этих странах?

Искусство TIPPING (чаевых) в разных странах мира может колоссально отличаться! Мы решили расставить все точки над i в разгар сезона отпусков, чтобы Вы чувствовали себя «своим» в ресторане, баре или кофейне в любом уголке нашей планеты. Ну что, готовы проверить свои знания английского в этой сфере? Вперёд проходить новый тест от ZaZa!

If you are extremely unhappy with the service in this European country, you can let the staff know by NOT leaving a tip. If your service was good, leave 10-15% in cash

Правильный ответ: Hungary - Венгрия

Leave about 5-10%, and tip only in cash. Tips added on credit card are not accepted in this country

Правильный ответ: Turkey – Турция

Tip about 10% - in cash – and give it directly to your server in this country. If you leave cash on the table, it will probably go to management

Правильный ответ: Russia - Россия

Tipping isn’t customary in this country, but it has become more popular as a result of Americans travelling here. You can tip 5-10% depending on the restaurant

Правильный ответ: Australia – Австралия

Since bread is eaten with every meal in this country, a 1-3 euro charge is automatically added to your bill. It’s common to just round up the bill or leave a 10% tip, but no more than that

Правильный ответ: Italy – Италия

Often service is included in your bill, but if it’s not, tipping 10% is considered generous. If your service was particularly poor, don’t tip at all

Правильный ответ: Morocco – Марокко

No matter if you’re dining somewhere local or somewhere nicer, there is no need to tip

Правильный ответ: China – Китай

Locals tip very modestly in this country. If you’re happy with your service, you can tip one euro per dinner or 7-13% in cash

Правильный ответ: Spain – Испания

A 10% is included in your restaurant or bar bill, even if it says “service not included”. You can add a tip, but it’s not expected

Правильный ответ: Costa Rica – Коста Рика

Offering a cash tip to a waiter is considered rude in this country. If you feel the need to tip, put it in a small envelope and give it directly to your server

Правильный ответ: Japan - Япония

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