معلمين رسي و تاييد شده
معلمين ما به دقت انتخاب شده اند تا استاندارد هاي بالاي آموزشي زازا را منعكس كنند. تمامي آنها حرفه ايي، بسيار مشتاق به تدريس و باتجربه هستند. به كمك برنامه ي حرفه ايي ما براي هر شخص، شما مي توانيد آسان تر و بهتر بياموزيد.
مربيان حرفه ايي و كارآزموده
مربيان حرفه ايي و كارآزموده
!داستان زندگي خود را با زازا ، رنگي بنويسيد
از ميان كلاس هاي متنوع ما انتخاب كنيد و اجازه دهيد تيم حرفه ايي ما شما را تا رسيدن به موفقيت همراهي
بيشتر بدانيدما به شما اطمينان ميدهيم كه دانش آموزان ما در راه رسيدن به موفقيت، به بهترين ابزار و فرصت ها دسترسي
بيشتر بدانيدتمام حمايتي را كه نياز داريد، هر وقت كه خواستيد، بگيريد.
بيشتر بدانيدStep one: Select Subject
Step two: Explore cultures
Step three: Book A course
زبان : فرانسوي
متناسب با سطح و نيازتان ، يك كلاس را انتخاب كنيد و به كمك زازا به موفقيت برسيد.
يك نكته ي جالب توجه
آيا مي دانستيد كه شهر كيشاشا، بزرگترين شهر فرانسوي زبان جهان است و نه پاريس؟ جمهوري دموكرات كونگو با حدود ١١ ميليون جمعيت ، يكي از بزرگ ترين شهرهاي جهان است
Choose a Spanish language course according to your level and needs. Achieve success with ZaZa!
Did you know that Spanish is one of the easiest languages to learn for native English speakers? According to the experts, it’ll take you around 22-24 weeks to achieve what is called general professional proficiency in reading and speaking.
Choose a Biology course according to your level and needs. Achieve success with ZaZa!
Curious to know how dolphins sleep? Then, here you go, dolphins sleep half awake. They keep one eye open while they consciously breathe and float on the water surface.
Choose a Mandarin language course according to your level and needs. Achieve success with ZaZa!
Mandarin Chinese is spoken by over 955 million native speakers worldwide (that’s more than any other language!). This means that by learning Chinese you unlock the potential to speak to over 13% of the world’s total population.
Choose an English language course according to your level and needs. Achieve success with ZaZa!
Did you know that English is the language of the air? This means that all pilots have to identify themselves and speak in English while flying, regardless of their origin.
Choose an Art course according to your level and needs. Achieve success with ZaZa!
Did you know that when the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre in 1911, the empty space it left on the wall attracted more visitors than the painting had?
Did you know that the elements that we are composed of were formed in the interiors of collapsing stars? We are all made of star dust.
Choose a German language course according to your level and needs. Achieve success with ZaZa!
Did you know that Mark Twain famously said of the German language: ‘In German, a young lady has no sex, but a turnip does’? He meant unpredictable genders of German Nouns 🙂
Choose a Mathematics course according to your level and needs. Achieve success with ZaZa!
Did you know that 111,111,111 × 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321?
Choose a History course according to your level and needs. Achieve success with ZaZa!
Did you know that in ancient Egypt, servants were smeared with honey in order to attract flies away from the pharaoh?
معلمين ما به دقت انتخاب شده اند تا استاندارد هاي بالاي آموزشي زازا را منعكس كنند. تمامي آنها حرفه ايي، بسيار مشتاق به تدريس و باتجربه هستند. به كمك برنامه ي حرفه ايي ما براي هر شخص، شما مي توانيد آسان تر و بهتر بياموزيد.
شما به كتابخانه ي بزرگي از داده هاي آموزشي به صورت PDF دسترسي خواهيد داشت كه پاسخگوي تمامي نياز هاي شما در طول تحصيل خواهند بود. شما همچنين از جزوات، تمرين ها و تكاليف مختلف بهره خواهيد برد.
طبق نيازتان و آنطور كه ميخواهيد، جدول زماني خود را بنويسيد و ما طبق آن، در هر زمان و هر كجا كه بخواهيد كلاستان را برگزار خواهيم كرد. شما با توجه به آسايش خود برنامه ايي به ما ارائه دهيد! هيچ مرزي براي يادگيري وجود ندارد، شما ميتوانيد روز كلاس ها را هم خودتان انتخاب كنيد، ما هميشه براي شما اينجا هستيم.
هر آنچه هدف شماست، ميخواهيد زباني جديد بياموزيد،توانايي هاي حرفه ايي خود را بهبود بخشيد،دانش يا مهارت هاي زندگي خود را بهتر كنيد،براي امتحانات بين المللي آماده شويد،موقعيت تحصيل در خارج از كشور را بدست آوريد،راحت تر و لذت بخش تر سفر كنيد،از ادبيات،موسيقي و سينماي كشور هاي ديگر لذت ببريد و يا مستقيماً تحصيلات آكادميك مد نظر شماست. ما شما را با راهنمايي هاي ماهرانه همراهي ميكنيم تا بهترين كلاس ها را براي خود انتخاب كنيد.
مقصد رويايي شما براي تحصيل كجاست و به دنبال فراگرفتن چه تجربه ايي هستيد؟ ما به شما كلاس هاي متنوع در ٣٠ كشور و در بيش از ١٠ زبان مختلف ارائه ميدهيم. كلاس ها در روز دوشنبه ي هر هفته در طول سال برگزار مي شود و برنامه ها بسيار انعطاف پذير هستند و شما ميتوانيد به هر مدت زماني كه مايل هستيد ، از يك هفته تا حتيّ يك سال، تحصيل كنيد. مقصد مورد علاقه خود را انتخاب كنيد و با ما همسفر شويد.
ما كلاس هاي ساليانه براي گروه هاي سنيّ مشخص كودكال(+٧سال) ، نوجوانان ( +١٣سال) ، جوانان( + ١٨سال) و دانشجويان ( +٥٠سال) ارائه ميكنيم. كلاس هاي ما در خارج از كشور پذيراي دانش آموزان و دانشجويان در تمامي سطوح ( از مبتدي تا پيشرفته) هستند
بگذاريد تيم فوق العاده ي خود را به شما معرفي كنيم
زازا گروهي بين المللي از افراد حرفه ايي و همچنين هم عقيده و متعهد است. هدف ما، بوجود آوردن امكان تحصيل آنلاين و همچنين تحصيل در خارج از كشور با بالاترين كيفيت مي باشد . در مورد برنامه هاي ما بيشتر بدانيد، با هم كاران ما حرف بزنيد و سوالات خود را مطرح كنيد.
چگونه شروع شد؟
داستان چگونگي موفقيت زازا داستان ما از ٨ سال پيش شروع شد. زماني كه كسي به تحصيل آنلاين باور نداشت. مردم به معلماني كه به صورت مجازي از پشت مانيتور تدريس ميكردند، اعتماد نداشتند. در آن زمان هر چيز مجازي ، غيرمعمول بود. تيم ما در طول اين دوران ايستادگي كرد و با شجاعت و زكاوت از اين دوران گذشت. ما تصميم گرفتيم كه به مردم ، برنامه ايي حرفه ايي و
Learn languages or upgrade your skills in any other branches of science. All of our teachers have been carefully selected to reflect the general high standards.Our courses are designed to meet each students’ individual needs.You decide how, when and where you learn, and we ensure every moment of your time is optimized. Track your progress, tasks, recommendation in a personal online account. Choose a course: Your journey to success starts here!
Contact us if you have any questions.
Our language programs abroad are offered in 50 destinations, 20 countries, specializing in 10 + languages. ZaZa is team of professionals in tailor-made programs for groups or individuals of teenagers , adults and students 50+. We offer a wide-range of specialized programs through study abroad, language immersion programs, university and college pathway programs, au pair programs, internships, travel adventure packages.
Contact us if you have any questions.
Book education programmes abroad with Zaza and get a lower price than in schools. On average, booking with ZaZa you save 5-19% of the cost. You ask Why? Every year we send a large number of students to study abroad. And we signed exclusive contracts with schools to provide lower prices for our students. Do not pay any more extra for commissions and agency fees.
Contact us if you have any questions.
We create ZaZa with our energy, expertise and passion. Everyone at ZaZa is dedicated to giving you the very best learning experience. We have a large, friendly, international team of professionals to assist you during every step of your journey.
Contact us if you have any questions.
Our history began 8 years ago, in 2009, when no one believed in online schools and online education. People used to distrust teachers on screens and also online monetary transactions. By this time, everything – online – was unusual. However, our team had persisted during this period and they’ve ended up endowing themselves courageous and resourceful. We’ve decided to grant people the opportunity to get an excellent education for affordable money. The first online school English-Natali was in Moscow, Russia. We opened a small business school on the Chistye Prudy, brought native speakers to Moscow and decided to train offline and online. Many of our students were very busy with their job, always stand in traffic jams, and regularly missed lessons, but they passed them successfully online, via SKYPE.
Step by step it became 1.000 students who happily taught English via Skype at our online school. Then we add new languages, increased staff, new branches began to operate in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. More and more frequently our online students asked to help with language courses, summer camps, junior programs. It was a great start of working as study abroad specialists. It all happened in 2011. So we’ve build an interesting and unforgettable experience, which we gladly share with our students. We visit every school with which we work. We check personally the quality of education and the conditions of students accommodation. We learned how to help students with obtaining visas, began to help with insurance and flights, we helped a lot of students to apply to universities, colleges, and boarding schools.
One day we realised it’s time to change the name, add new products, open new international markets and offer our students more useful, affordable quality online product. We are pleased to introduce our new name ZaZa school, a company that uses all its experience, the joy of communicating with new students and the support of old students.
We invite you to join us in a new, exciting, fascinating world of online education!
Zaza school is one of the leading online language schools with 8 years of successful work. Students and teachers from all over the world choose us.
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