from £2145 / 1 week
Lucton School, Summer Polo Course, England
Summer Polo programme from a beginner to a mastery level
Read more1550 €/month
The Summer Dance School in Prague is a unique program developed by the International Union of Youth in cooperation with the Prague Breaking School and Daily Fitness. This program was created for students who want to spend an unforgettable summer in the Czech Republic, learn English with native speakers and make friends from all over the world. Additionally to all these benefits, most importantly, participants can learn from first-class dance masters in the heart of Europe. If you are an active person who already has a dancing experience or just wants to start and learn from the beginning, this program is for you!
Academic classes of English Language: 50 academic hours in total, 4 times per week
Location: Educational Center MSM Academy / Presto
Participants of the program accomodate in the student residences such as Villa MSM (U Svobodarny), Dejvice, Orlik and Masarykova kolej. Living conditions are similar in each dormitory.
“International Union of Youth” prepared an excellent summer vacation for young and motivated people that includes training, learning in the combination with the entertaining activities.
Age | 14+ |
Duration | 01.07 — 30.07, 01.08 — 30.08 |
Course | 4 English classes & 4 intensive trainings per week |
Accommodation | residence |
Please fill out this form and we will contact you regarding your request
from £2145 / 1 week
Lucton School, Summer Polo Course, England
Summer Polo programme from a beginner to a mastery level
Read morefrom €6000 / year
Hotel Escuela Ecotur, Diploma and Master, Valencia
Hands-on education with paid Internship in Spain
Read morefrom 2040 CHF per week
Swiss Education Winter Camp, Switzerland
A unique opportunity to get high quality education and great winter holidays in Swiss Alps!
Read more£1700 / 1 week
Christ’s Hospital School, Summer Camp, UK
A unique experience of classical british boarding school
Read morefrom €240 / week
International House, Adult courses, Sicily
Leading school in the South of Italy offering a wide range of courses including exam preparation, Italian culture and Singing courses
Read morefrom 170$ / week
EDM, Adult courses, Seoul
What could be more exciting than learning Korean in Korea? Adult courses of General, Business Korean and unique k-pop, drama classes in picturesque Seoul wait for you all year round!
Read morefrom €690 / month
University of Europe for Applied Sciences, Bachelor, Master, MBA, Germany
Fully accredited private university, successfully educating the innovators of tomorrow in the fields of Art & Design, Business & Sport, Tech & Software, Health & Psychology
Read more2400 £ / 10 weeks
London Business School, Digital marketing in an AI world, course for executives online
Unlock the potential of SEO, social media, machine learning, generative AI and beyond at the online course for specialists and executives...
Read moreFrom € 1050 / week
BSC Sliema College, Malta
Enjoy a comfortable study environment with Malta’s mild climate and embrace the Mediterranean lifestyle!
Read more£3,000 / 1 week
Global Achievers Academy, Summer camp, UK
Our programme equips young people with the tools to operate in a more global world through an immersive experience...
Read more$ 3500 / 1 week
Global Achievers Academy, Summer camp, USA
Our Global Achievers Academy builds global change-makers through a unique programme of international cohort travel. Are you joining?
Read moreFrom € 172 / week
Expanish Adult courses, Argentina
Improve your Spanish with our Spanish Course at Expanish Buenos Aires! Make friends, practice Spanish and learn about the local culture. Students can join weekly cultural activities such as flamenco dancing, tapas tours, mate tasting and more...
Read moreFrom € 522 / 1 week
Atlantic S.E.A.L. Summer programme, Ireland
Why not try one week this year and then come back for a longer course next year?
Read moreFrom € 900 / per week
PASCAL International Summer Camp, CYPRUS
We invite students ages 7-17 to join our Language & AI adventure camp in 2024!
Read moreFrom € 270 / per week
Bayswater Summer, Family Program, Cyprus
Bayswater Summer makes it easy for parents to plan fun vacations for their children. We have in...
Read moreFrom $ 16,050 / per year
CIRA College, Canada
Start your career and realize your dreams of overseas education at CIRA College! At CIRA College, we not only provide students with the education and experience that will help them...
Read moreFrom $ 695 / week
Soccer Camps International Day Camp, France
Welcome to the official 2024 Paris Saint Germain (“PSG”) Soccer Football camp of the PSG football team! Experience this Paris Camp in the City of ...
Read moreFrom £400 / week
BSC Education, Adult courses
Read special offers with discounts and savings on the course page! Thousands of adults and young people from around the world have benefited from foreign language and teacher training programs in...
Read moreFrom $ 358 / week
LTL Language School Adult Courses, China, CHENGDU
LTL is the best place to study Chinese this summer. We also offer immersion courses in Chengde and Xi'an, where there is no school environment, so you can get the most out of the experience.
Read moreFrom € 295 / week
ATC Adult Education Courses, Bray Ireland
When students choose to study at ATC in Bray, they are choosing an experience that will last a lifetime. At ATC you can choose a course...
Read moreFrom £ 320 / week
Stay Campus London Adult courses, UK
By providing both classrooms and accommodation under one roof, the school is able to speed up the process of ...
Read moreFrom £ 725 / week
Malvern House London, Camp in the UK
Our aim is to create a positive and inspiring learning environment where the individual learning experience is at the centre of everything we do...
Read moreFrom € 1360 / week
Humboldt-Institut, Courses for Teenagers, Munich
In Munich, the Humboldt-Institut offers German courses for teenagers during the summer. The school’s wonderful location very close to downtown, yet in a very quiet neighborhood and surrounded by its fantastic...
Read moreFrom € 62,150 / per year
SISD Programs for Children and Teens, Dubai
Swiss International Scientific School Dubai encourages and supports all students to become successful, globally minded and passionate lifelong learners who will ...
Read moreFrom £ / week
NCG Junior Summer School, UK
NCG's summer programs for children are designed specifically to improve English language skills and instill the traits needed at...
Read moreFrom £ 245 / week
NCG Adult Courses, UK
New College Group (NCG) is a specialist college providing English Language tuition, with schools located in some of the best student cities in the UK. We are proud to have schools in some of the best study locations in the UK. Each of our schools have excellent ...
Read moreFrom $ 278 per week
Bayswater Adult Courses, 25% Discount, Canada
Study in Canada with a 25% discount ! In all locations you can get a professional certificate either on your own or in groups with English classes!
Read moreFrom £ 2095 / week
Nike Sports Camps, Football Camps, UK
Learn from one of the best soccer clubs in the world at a new residential camp for a variety of ages
Read moreFrom € 1950 / week
Nike Sports Camps, Tennis Summer Camps, UK
Train like a professional in an international tennis environment that challenges players to achieve their true ...
Read moreFrom € 1600 / week
ActiLingua Holiday Course, Vienna Austria
Do you want to spend the best summer of your life? Make many new friends from all over the world and live unforgettable moments in the best for...
Read moreFrom $ 370 / week
LAL Adult English, South Africa
Being a part of the LAL family means traveling and experiencing famous landmarks from a new perspective. It is an opportunity to enjoy moments of fellowship with...
Read moreFrom € 1257 / week
ActiLingua Summer School Vienna, Austria
For those parents and their children who would like to improve their language skills in the new year 2024, we have a great offer: very attractive discounts on Children's Summer Camps and ...
Read moreОт € 135 / неделя
IELS Malta Курсы для взрослых, Мальта
Языковая школа IELS является одной из крупнейших на Мальте и предлагает своим студентам фантастическое сочетание...
ПодробнееОт £ 3700 / 2 недели
David Game College Летние курсы, Англия
Лето, способное изменить жизнь! Углубитесь в изучение предметов A Level и погрузитесь в сферу выбранных вами областей...
ПодробнееFrom € 1135 per week
Influent Martinique, the Caribbean island
Looking for a warm place to immerse yourself in French in the new year 2024? We would like to suggest the Caribbean island of Martinique!
Read moreОт $ 370 / неделя
LAL Английский для взрослых, Южная Африка
Быть частью семьи LAL - значит отправиться в путешествие и увидеть известные достопримечательности с совершенно новой стороны. Это возможность наслаждаться моментами общения со...
ПодробнееОт 900 CHF / неделя
FriLingue SPRING CAMPS, Швейцария
Весенние языковые лагеря в самых красивых местах Швейцарии предлагают занятия французским, немецким и английским языками в сочетании с веселыми и увлекательными мероприятиями и экскурсиями для...
ПодробнееInfluent Martinique, Карибские острова
Ищете теплое место для погружения во французский язык в новом 2024 году? Мы хотели бы предложить вам карибский остров Мартиника!
ПодробнееОт € 9000 / год
The Collège de Paris, Франция
The Collège de Paris - это частное учебное заведение, основной миссией которого является "сделать высшее образование доступным через сообщество школ". Колледж имеет три основополагающие ценности
ПодробнееОт € 185 / неделя
Cavendish School of English Adult, Мальта
Мальта - идеальное место для взрослых и детей для того, чтобы совместить свой средиземноморский отдых с изучением английского языка
ПодробнееОт 1100 CHF / неделя
FriLingue Winter Camps Braunwald, Швейцария
В языковом лагере в Браунвальде мы учим французский, английский или немецкий по 12 часов в неделю. А затем отправляемся на...
ПодробнееОт € 319 / неделя
Centre International d’Antibes, взрослые, Франция
С 1985 года Centre International d'Antibes предлагает курсы французского языка с использованием активных и мотивационных методов ...
ПодобнееОт £ 80 / неделя
Frances King, Семейная программа, Лондон
Насладитесь зимними каникулами всей семьей в самом сердце Лондона. Frances King - это дополнительные курсы для взрослых и веселые и полезные уроки для детей, это незабываемые впечатления и лучшие...
подобнееОт € 3300 / 2 недели
Ecole des Roches Summer Camp, Франция
Готовы к лету 2024 года? Приглашаем Ваших детей открыть для себя красоту французского языка и изучить культуру Франции в нашем летнем...
ПодробнееОт € 1380 / 10 дней
Exupery Summer Camp, Латвия
Exupery International School обеспечивает заботливую и сложную учебную среду, которая способствует развитию международного...
ПодробнееFrom £ 9545 / Term
Oxford Sixth Form College, UK
A warm and supportive day and boarding community, Oxford Sixth Form College offers an outstanding university-inspired education that...
Read moreОт £ 9,545 / семестр
Oxford Sixth Form College, Оксфорд
Оксфордский колледж Sixth Form College - это теплое и дружелюбное сообщество дневного отделения и пансиона, предлагающее выдающееся образование, вдохновленное университетом, которое дает
Подробнееот £1,520 / неделя
IH London OXFORD Young Learners, Англия
Отправьте Ваших детей изучать английский язык в IH London Oxford. Студенты будут изучать английский язык, встречать новых друзей со всего мира, а также развивать...
Подобнееот £1,646 / неделя
IH London Cambridge Young Learners, Англия
Отправьте Ваших детей изучать английский язык и знакомиться с Лондоном и другими частями Великобритании, дайте им возможность вдохновляться и развиваться вместе с...
Подробнееот $ 220 / неделя
Academia Buenos Aires, Аргентина
Нигде больше в Буэнос-Айресе мы не встречали такого профессионального преподавания, высококачественного жилья и насыщенной социальной жизни, как...
ПодобнееОт / неделя
Bayswater Курсы для взрослых, Великобритания
Bayswater UK дарит скидки до 50% на свои программы, которые помогут погрузиться в жизнь и культуру Великобритании, а также изучить...
Подробнееот CHF 950 / неделя
Frilingue, Летний лагерь в Браунвальд, Швейцария
Прекрасный летний лагерь с невероятными развлеечениями с видом на швейцарские горы Tödi!
ПодробнееОт $285 / неделя
California Language Academy, SAN DIEGO, США
Хотите побывать в лучшем городе Америки и одном из лучших мест в мире для изучения английского языка? Тогда отправляйтесь с нами в CLA...
Подробнее£1,990/1 week
Bucksmore English ‘Plus’
the unique experience of promoting your passions and gaining a deeper understanding of a specific subject...
Read detailsОт $285 / неделя
California Language Academy, LOS ANGELES, США
Не упустите фантастическую возможность улучшить свои знания английского языка и углубиться в культуру этих городов...
ПодробнееОт 2310 $
YES USA Summer Camp, США
Летний лагерь с изучением иностранного языка, солнечными ваннами, экскурсиями, посощением живописных мест США - это то, что получит ваш ребенок от YES USA
ПодробнееОт 1690 ₩
Lexis Asia Juniors, Южная Корея
Хотите, чтобы Ваш ребенок учился в самом центре Азии? Программа Junior позволит Вашим детям изучить культуру Южной Кореи, получить...
подробнееFrom £20,700
Rochester Independent College, UK
There are no uniforms here and students and staff talk to each other by name. College education combines...
read moreОт 20,700 £
Rochester Independent College Рочестер, Великобритания
Здесь нет униформы, а студенты и персонал общаются друг с другом по имени. Обучение в колледже сочетает в себе...
подробнееvon 1500 CHF
Swiss Education Summer Camp , Schweiz
Es werden spannende und praxisnahe Lerninhalte vermittelt, die...
Weiter lesenEmbassy Summer Cape Town, South Africa
Old and new cultures come together to offer an impressive setting for ...
read morefrom 1500 CHF
Swiss Education Summer Camp , Switzerland
The perfect combination of practice and travel that develops...
read moreОт 1500 CHF
Swiss Education Summer Camp, Швейцария
Идеальное сочетание практики и путешествий, которые развивают…
подробнееEmbassy Summer Cape Town, Южная Африка
подробнееATC Language Schools Dunluice House, Bray
Summer camp in a gorgeous spot near the Irish Sea, workshops, English classes, and a full social and cultural program...
read moreATC Language Schools Queen’s University Belfast
Choose a summer camp at Queen's University Belfast for your child and they will get the benefit of...
read moreATC Language Schools Dunluice House, Bray Ирландия
Летний лагерь в живописном месте на берегу Ирландского моря, мастер-классы, занятия по английскому, а также полная социальная и культурная программа
ПодробнееСПЕЦ ЦЕНА от 728£/неделя
Oxford International School, Оксфорд
Школа английского языка для студентов 18+. Эта школа английского языка в Оксфорде расположена в самом центре города, поэтому студенты запросто могут погрузиться в жизнь этого невероятного...
Подробнее10 000 €
Read details£1,990/1 week
Bucksmore,Inter Milan Football Academy
Train with one of the world’s top football academies.....
Read details6000 EUR/4недели
Ecole des Roches, Франция зимние каникулы!
Престижная французская школа-пансион 11+. Здесь предъявляются минимальные требования к языковой подготовке...
Stafford House Кентербери
Школа английского языка для студентов 16+. Школа расположена одном из самых древних городов Англии-Кентербери , который имеет захватывающую историю длиной в два тысячелетия,,,
Подробнееот 2,600 €
Все школы-члены Ascencia признанны в специализированных областях и гарантируют, что выпускники достигнут интеграции на мировых рынках труда.
Подробнееот 1000 £
Greenwich International Education , Программы для подростков
Greenwich International Education предлагает полный спектр программ изучения английского языка для подростков ...
Подробнееfrom 2,600 €
The member schools of Ascencia are all recognised in their specialised domains and guarantee that graduates will achieve insertion in world job markets.
Read morefrom 1000 £
Greenwich International Education , Young Learners
Greenwich International Education offers a full range of English language learning programmes for young learners .......
Read moreот 350€
EC School, Cape Town, Южная Африка
Привлекательность Южной Африки заключается в ее разнообразии. Это многокультурная страна, где старое и новое объединяется, для создания захватывающего...
Подробнееот CHF 2170
LEMANIA Летний лагерь, Швейцария
Летний лагерь Lemania, идеально расположенный в центре Лозанны, сочетает в себе изучение языка, развлечения и проживание в школе-интернате.
Подробнееfrom CHF 2170
Ideally located in the centre of Lausanne, our Lemania Summer Camp successfully combines language studies, activities and boarding school accommodation to provide a perfect learning environment.
Read morefrom CHF 950 per week
Frilingue, Braunwald Summer Language Camp
The newest camp in the beautiful Glarnerland offers formidable views of the Tödi!
Read morefrom 455 €
ATC, Teacher Courses, Dublin, Ireland
Read morefrom CHF 34'500 per year
International Institute in Geneva
Accredited undergraduate and graduate programs in Business Administration, Media and Communication, International Relations and Computer Science
Read moreот $ 1,895
Soccer Camps International, Англия
Международный футбольный лагерь в Англии, Испании, Франции, Италии и Португалии
Подробнееот $ 1,895
Soccer Camps International, Испания
Международный футбольный лагерь в Англии, Испании, Франции, Италии и Португалии
Подробнееот $ 1,895
Soccer Camps International, Италия
Международный футбольный лагерь в Англии, Испании, Франции, Италии и Португалии
Подробнееfrom $ 1,495
Soccer Camps International, Portugal
Elite Youth International Soccer Camps in England, Spain, France, Italy and Portugal
Read morefrom $ 1,895
Soccer Camps International, France
Elite Youth International Soccer Camps in England, Spain, France, Italy and Portugal
Read morefrom $ 1,895
Soccer Camps International, Italy
Elite Youth International Soccer Camps in England, Spain, France, Italy and Portugal
Read morefrom $ 1,895
Soccer Camps International, Spain
Elite Youth International Soccer Camps in England, Spain, France, Italy and Portugal
Read morefrom $ 1,895
Soccer Camps International, England
Elite Youth International Soccer Camps in England, Spain, France, Italy and Portugal
Read moreот 550£
Burlington School, программы для детей и подростков , Лондон
The Burlington School of English в лондоне в течение года организует 4 интересные программы для юных обучающихся в возрасте от 11 до 13 лет (Creative Youths),14 - 17 лет (Future Minds)
Подробнееот 215 £
Burlington School, Курсы для взрослых, Лондон
Студенты будут учиться в традиционном английском здании в Бэлхэме, одном из самых привлекательных жилых районов Лондона, известным своими кафе, парками и садами....
ATC, Курсы для преподавателей, Ирландия
Курсы для преподавателей в одной из лучших школ Дублина ATC, расположенной в самом центре города...
Подробнееfrom 550£
Burlington School, Courses for Young Learners, London
The Burlington School of English runs 4 exciting young learner programmes throughout the year, for students aged between 11 - 13 years old (Creative Youths), 14 - 17 year old (Future Minds), in London.
Read morefrom 215£
Burlington School, Courses for Adults, London
Students will study in a traditional English building in Balham, one of London’s most attractive residential areas, famous for its cafés, parks and gardens
Read moreот 1130 €/неделя
Humboldt-Institut, Берлин, Германия
Институт имени Гумбольдта приветствует иностранных студентов в своей школе немецкого языка в самом сердце Берлина....
Подробнееfrom 1250€ / week
Humboldt-Institut, Reimlingen, Germany
The course center is at Tagungshaus Reimlingen, which is situated in a beautiful park on the edge of town with views of the amazing landscape....
Read morefrom 1,350€/week
Humboldt-Institut, Lindenberg, Germany
The Humboldt-Institut Lindenberg can host up to 200 students and is open year-round — even during the winter holidays...
Read morefrom 1,430€ / week
Humboldt-Institut, Berlin-Mitte, Germany
The Humboldt-Institut welcomes international students to its German language school in the heart of Berlin.....
Read more1.290 €/week
Humboldt-Institut, Munich, Germany
Our German courses in Munich are held in the Don Bosco youth hostel near the city center. The school’s wonderful location very close to downtown....
Read morefrom 950 €/week
Humboldt-Institut, Constance, Germany
An intensive German course at the Humboldt-Institut is the ideal solution for everyone who is looking to improve his or her German quickly and easily.
Read moreот 9552 CNY
LTL Летний лагерь, Тайбэй / Пекин
Летний лагерь LTL - это интенсивное изучение Китайского, в то же время изучение местного окружения, и море веселья для всех студентов ....
Подробнееfrom 430 € / per week
Atlantic S.E.A.L, Young Kids’ Summer Camp
Here at Atlantic S.E.A.L our Kiddies' English Camp makes learning English fun and easy for our 4 to 8 year olds...
Read moreот 800 €
LC Schools, Гран-Канария, Летний лагерь
Выучите испанский или английский язык с ведущей языковой школой на Канарских островах
Подробнееfrom 800 €
LC Schools, Gran Canaria, Winter Camp
Learn Spanish or English with the leading language company in the Canary Islands.
Read morefrom 9552 CNY
LTL Summer Camps, Taipei and Beijing
The LTL Summer Camp is intensive Mandarin study, whilst exploring the local surroundings and is a whole lot of fun for everyone involved
Read moreот £600
Kensington Academy of English, Лондон
Современная школа KAE акредитованная Британским советом в Великобритании подарит вам незабываемое обучение по программам общего курса, интенсивного или семейного.....
Подробнееfrom £600
Kensington Academy of English, London
KAE is accredited by the British Council for the teaching of English in the UK
Read moreот 400 €
Atlantic Language Galway, Ирландия, курсы 16+
Изучайте английский язык, используя самые современные методы и материалы в школе Atlantic Language Galway
Подробнееfrom 400 €
Atlantic Language Galway
Learn effective English using the most up to date techniques and materials at Atlantic Language Galway
Read morefrom 655€ / week
Cork English College, Junior Courses
Located in beautiful Cork City, Cork English College is Ireland’s premier, family run English Language School since 1978.
Read morefrom £1,335 per week
Bell English, Summer Explorer Programme
Join us this summer to study our flagship English Explorer programme, which offers a holistic language experience which is immersive, flexible and lots of fun.
Read moreот 1495 €
Asana language school, Кэрсивин, Ирландия, Программы для подростков
Asana language school уютная школа в Ирландии, с доброжелательным персоналом, подарит вам незабываемые эмоции
Подробнееfrom 1495€
Asana language school, Caherciveen, Ireland, Programmes for teenagers
Asana School Of English is a family-run, holistic, music-loving language school based in Caherciveen, Co. Kerry, Ireland
Read morefrom 2186 €
Irish College of English, Ireland, Junior summer camps
The Irish College of English is an Award-Winning English language school established in 1992, located on Dublin’s coastline in beautiful Malahide, Dublin...
Read moreот 255€
IELS Malta, курсы для взрослых
В Школе Изучения Английского Языка (IELS) на Мальте, есть курсы, которые подойдут каждому, не зависимо от уровня английского языка
Подробнееfrom 1000 £
SUL Education, Ministays
SUL Language Schools is based in Cornwall in the South West of England, and delivers English language experiences embracing British culture...
Read moreот £1,000
Stay Campus London языковая школа, Ministays
Stay Campus London предлагает полный спектр образовательных услуг в одном из величайших городов мира
Подробнееfrom £1,000
Stay Campus London Language School, Ministays
Stay Campus London offers an all-inclusive educational experience in one of the world’s greatest cities.
Read morefrom 9800 €
Wittenborg University, Bachelor and Master programmes
Wittenborg is a “boutique university of applied sciences” where our personal attention to your education is very important
Read moreот 1850 €
Donegal English Language School, курсы для детей, Ирландия
Donegal English Language school является лидером на рынке по организации высококачественных, англоязычных курсов обучения и отдыха для иностранных студентов со всего мира.
Подробнееfrom 1850€
Donegal English Language School, Junior Courses
Donegal English Language school is a market leader in delivering high quality, English language experience holidays to International students from all over the world
Read morefrom 240€
Donegal English Language School, Adult Courses
Donegal English Language school is a market leader in delivering high quality, English language experience holidays to International students from all over the world
Read morefrom 350€
EC School, Cape Town, South Africa
The appeal of South Africa lies in its diversity. It is a multicultural country where old and new come together to make something spectacular. ...
Read morefrom 530€
EC School, Malta
Small and easy to explore, Malta is a charming and friendly place to learn English. Relax on the beach or visit one of the island’s many places of interest...
Read morefrom 390€
EC Dublin, Ireland
Ireland is an interesting mix of tradition and history, and forward-thinking modernity. The beating heart of this country is Dublin, one of the oldest and most culturally rich cities in Europe...
Read morefrom 720£
EC School, London, UK
The UK continues to be the world’s number one English language learning destination and it’s not difficult to see why....
Read morefrom 390$
EC School, Vancouver, Canada
Vancouver is a stunning, friendly West Coast city. It offers culture, outdoor adventure, shopping and entertainment....
Read morefrom 450$
EC School, New-York
New York is one of the most popular places in the world to learn English
Read more€1499 / 1 неделя
French Riviera,Кулинарные курсы
Улучшите свой французский и получите опыт изучения кулинарного искусства
Подробнееfrom 1499€/week
French Riviera, Gastronomy course
Improve your French and learn tips of culinary art
Read morefrom 200€
IELS Malta, Adults courses, SPECIAL SALES!
At the Institute of English Language Studies (IELS) in Malta, we have classes to suit every level of English ability
Read morefrom 400€
IELS Malta, Summer Camp
IELS is paving the way for a new type of English learning experience in Malta
Read morefrom 1545 €
Sotogrande International School, Summer Camps
Sotogrande International School offers a wide range of camps where everyone has the opportunity to grow, try new activities, and learn in a fun and dynamic way.
Read morefrom $975
Solebury school Camps
Nestled on a rolling 140-acre campus in the Pennsylvania countryside, Solebury students and faculty pursue learning as an exciting, shared endeavor. This unique approach to education is not happenstance, but a cornerstone of Solebury’s educational philosophy.
Read morefrom $200/session
Perkiomen School, Summer Camp
At Perkiomen’s Theater Camp, actors of all experience levels and ages work together to put on a full-scale musical in just one week.
Read moreот 1545 €
Sotogrande International School, Летние лагеря, Испания
Sotogrande International School предлагает широкий спектр лагерей, где каждый имеет возможность расти, попробовать новые виды деятельности, и учиться весело и динамично.
Подробнееfrom 110 EUR
F+U Academy of Languages, German Courses
No matter whether you are preparing to study at a German university, whether you are learning German for your job and planning an educational vacation, or whether you simply enjoy learning German.
Read morefrom 70 EUR
F+U Academy of Languages, ENGLISH COURSES
Whether you are a pupil, student, professional or pensioner, you will find the English course that suits you. You have the choice between: Intensive courses in the morning and afternoon, evening courses, as well as individual courses in single, duo or group lessons.
Read moreот 110 EUR
F+U Academy of Languages, Общие курсы немецкого
Независимо от того, готовитесь ли Вы к учебе в немецком университете, изучаете ли Вы немецкий язык для своей работы и планируете ли Вы учебный отпуск, или же Вам просто нравится изучать немецкий язык.
Подробнееfrom 9.650 €
H-FARM International school
With our model, which combines business services, startup innovation and education, we are creating a unique innovation pole at international level, a privileged observation point on the future, new trends in the world of work, technological development and how digital transformation affects the social context.
Read morefrom 1,650.00$
FLS International summer camps
Choose any of our destinations in the U.S. and you'll find yourself in a great place to explore America, learn English and meet other students from around the world!
Read morefrom 100 €
Escola Internacional del Camp, Camps
Conceived by the architect Josep Benedito and the RQP studio, the EIC is one of the country´s most modern schools whose design responds to the new pedagogical model that inspires it.
Read morefrom 20 430 €
Ermitage International school, IB Programs
At Ermitage, we propose two distinct programs of study, united by shared values, a multilingual campus and an openness to the world.
Read morefrom 39900.00 € / year
Carlsbad International school
Carlsbad International School is an international boarding school. It also offers day-time education. The boarding school is located in the resort town of Karlovy Vary.
Read morefrom 260 €
F+U Academy of Languages, Summer Junior Programme
Summer, sun, language courswe: create unforgettable moments for your children with the junior programme of the Academy of Languages.
Read morefrom CHF 11 000
La Garenne International School, Summer Camps
Located in the heart of the Swiss Alps in the prestigious resort of Villars-sur-Ollon, at 1’300 meters.
Read morefrom £3,000 / 4 weeks
Etherton Education , Summer Courses
Students study intensive English and up to ten other academic subjects. In addition to the academic studies, we also focus on the personal development of each student’s ‘soft skills’
Read morefrom $195
Lake Mary Preparatory School, Summer camps
Lake Mary Preparatory School was founded in 1999 and continues to be one of the top co-educational, private, international prep schools in Seminole County serving students in grades PreK 3 through 12.
Read morefrom 10000 €
SEK International schools
SEK has a network of twenty three schools and two universities, and a higher education center, located in fifteen countries, which include Spain, Chile, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Colombia and Paraguay.
Read morefrom 2800 € / 2 weeks
Ecole des Roches School, Summer Camps
Ecole des Roches offers a rich and stimulating programme, allowing its students to learn various languages from a very young age, and to be open-minded about the world around them.
Read morefrom £179
OI Digital Institute, online Teacher Training courses
Become a confident and qualified English language teacher, hone your skills or train to take the next step in your career. We offer a range of TESOL qualifications and teaching skill development courses to support you in your teaching career.
Read morefrom 800 £
Ardmore summer camps UK, USA, Ireland, Canada
Ardmore summer camps in UK, USA, Ireland, Canada for children (7-19 years old)
Read morefrom 16700 €
Berlin Brandenburg school
As one of the world’s leading International Baccalaureate (IB) schools, BBIS proudly offers three IB programmes in the Primary, Middle and Diploma years of schooling to students from over 60 countries, as well as a huge range of extracurricular activities.
Read morecomplimentary
Miami International University of Art and Design, Virtual Sessions
Are you a high school student who cannot wait to explore the creative class options available at the college level? The Art Institutes’ College Bound program is open to High School students interested in exploring collegiate courses in design, media arts, fashion and culinary.
Read morefrom 170 €/ per week
Kaplan, Germany, German courses for adults
German courses in Berlin and Freiburg
Read morefrom 250 €/ per week
Kaplan, France, French for adults
Learn French in Lyon. The city of lights – sophisticated and historic
Read morefrom 320 CHF / per week
Kaplan, Switzerland, French for adults
With four official languages and even more local dialects, Switzerland is a truly multilingual country and an ideal place in which to learn French
morefrom 400 €/ per week
Kaplan, Los Angeles, English courses for adults
Study English in Los Angeles
Read morefrom 550 GBP /week
Alpadia, Engilsh Summer Camps, UK, Switzerland, Germany, France
We offer action-packed English language camps for juniors aged 8–17 years
Read morefrom 850 €/ per week
Alpadia, Summer French Camps, France and Switzerland
We offer action-packed language camps in France and Switzerland for juniors aged 8–17 years
Read morefrom 1500€
Did deutsch institut, Germany, Summer Camps
Our young learner's courses take place in the most beautiful cities and areas of Germany and Austria. You have the choice: You can live with a host family and experience German culture or you can participate in one of our summer camps if you would like to spend as much time as possible with your classmates and enjoy an extensive leisure and activity program.
Read morefrom 200 € per week
Did deutsch institut, Germany, General courses for adults
This German language school, which is an ST Star Award winner, is located in a modern building in the central district of Berlin-Mitte.
Read morefrom 990 €/ per week
GLS Summer courses (camps) for kids & teens, Berlin, Munich
If you are younger than 18, join our summer camps & summer schools in Germany - in Berlin or Munich.
Read morefrom 150 €
GLS Berlin, General German Courses
The GLS German Language School in Berlin has been honored 5 times with the Star School Germany award, i.e. as one of the best language schools in Germany.
Read morefrom 830€/ 1 week
Alpadia, Summer Camps, German courses
School offer action-packed German language camps in Switzerland and Germany for juniors aged 8–17 years
Read morefrom 1200€/ 2 weeks
Alpha Aktiv Language Academy, Heidelberg, Germany, Summer youth courses
This course is perfect for learning or consolidating the German language while enjoying a great summer in Heidelberg!
Read morefrom 400€/ 1 week
Alpha Aktiv Language Academy, Heidelberg, Germany, General German Courses
Whichever reasons you have for coming to Germany – studying at a university, working at your dream job, a gap year abroad, or a much deserved language-focused holiday in the summer – you’re sure to enjoy the relaxed and informal atmosphere at this language school!
Read morefrom 1525€
Alpha Aktiv Language Academy, German Courses for Professions, Heidelberg, Germany
You want to work in Germany? Start your professional career in Germany with Alpha Aktiv Language Academy
Read morefrom 1525€
Alpha Aktiv Language Academy, German courses for doctors, Heidelberg, Germany
You want to work in Germany? Start your professional career in Germany with Alpha Aktiv Language Academy. We prepare doctors and dentists perfectly for the Fachsprachprüfung (specialist language examination) in Germany.
Read morefrom €445
Alpadia, Berlin, German Courses 16+
Learn German in the Schöneberg District of Berlin – one of the best-connected and most beautiful areas of the city
Read morefrom £3,100
Harrow School, UK, Summer Courses
At Harrow School our summer students can attend multi-activity, leadership, hockey, drama, science or tennis summer camps in July and August.
Read morefrom £1,625
Inlingua, Cheltenham, Summer offers 2022
AMAZING Offers from 7th August Onwards!
Read morefrom €2010
Atlantic S.E.A.L, Early Adult Language Plus Programme
Early Adult Plus is a specially designed programme for 16-19 year old students who wish to study in a more intensive yet stimulating and enjoyable micro-group setting. Participants of the Early Adult programme have the option to take the highly reputable Cambridge LINGUASKILL exam to gain this prestigious certificate.
Read morefrom £1,980
London Business School’s online programmes
London Business School’s online programmes for you to upskill in 2022
Read more3,000 CHF
BHMS, Switzerland, Summer program
BHMS summer program is the best opportunity for teenagers from 15 years old to learn about their career goals and get to know Switzerland
Read morefrom 27,350 ₣ (CHF -Swiss Francs)
HTMi Switzerland
HTMi Switzerland has become a leading international hospitality and tourism education group with campuses in Switzerland, Singapore, Australia, Dubai and more than 20 partner campuses around the world
Read morefrom €995
Atlantic S.E.A.L., Ireland
Learn English in one the Wild Atlantic Way's more spectacular locations. The Wild Atlantic Way is one of Ireland's first long-distance touring routes, stretching along the Atlantic coast from Donegal to West Cork
Read morefrom £2800
Stafford House, Creative courses
Stafford House, Creative courses for children this summer
Read morefrom 750 US$
ES Dubai, General English
On an ES General English course, you’ll develop your language and communication skills, improve your reading, writing, listening and speaking whilst studying a range of topics, depending on your ability. You will also learn new grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.
Read morefrom £800
Kaplan, General English
Kaplan, Learn English at one of the best language schools around the world
Read morefrom $1240
Tamwood Whistler, General English
TAMWOOD Whistler, General English (winter/summer) for students 16+ y.o. In this program you have English lessons at the Tamwood Whistler campus
Read moreот £2800
Stafford House, Творческие курсы
Stafford House, Летние творческие программы (мода,актерское мастерство,фотография,аниммация)
Подробнееfrom 475 ₣ (CHF)
Altitude, Switzerland, Summer camp
Altitude International Summer Camps (Verbier, Switzerland)
Read morefrom $10,400/program
ILAC International College, Toronto
English college in Toronto for students 18+.
Read morefrom $10,400/program
ILAC International College, Vancouver
English college in Vancouver for students 18+.
Read morefrom $325 USD per week
Stafford House Calgary
Calgary is safe, clean, modern and prosperous. It’s filled with exceptionally friendly people who know just how to make you feel welcome...
Read morefrom 250$ per week
Stafford House Toronto
English school for students 18+ y.o. Stafford House Toronto is situated in a friendly neighborhood and the school right in The North York Centre, so students have access to the North York Central Library...
Read morefrom €235/week
LAL Malta
English school in Malta for students 18+. With its clear blue water and hundreds of years of history, you can enjoy taking some English courses in Malta while learning more about its culture...
Read more995 pound/week
LAL Manchester
Englsh summer camp for children 11-17 y.o. The unofficial capital of the north of England, Manchester has so much to offer – not only is it the home of the UK’s music scene....
Read moreby request
New York Film Academy
English film academy in New York for students 18+. An essential aspect of what makes NYFA unlike any other performing and visual arts school is the extraordinary diversity ...
Read morefrom $99/week
New York Language Center, Jackson Heights, Queens
English school in New York for students 18+. NYLC’s Queens school offers an intimate learning environment for those on a budget...
Read morefrom 179$/week
New York Language Center, Uptown
English school in New York for students 18+. NYLC-Manhattan, Uptown is located in the beautiful neighborhood of the Upper West Side. This area is filled with charming shops ...
Read morefrom £185/week
IH London
English school in London for students 18+. IH London is the no.1 Language School in Central London, judged by British Council inspections....
Read morefrom 179$/week
New York Language Center, Midtown
English school in New York for students 18+. NYLC’s Midtown school is conveniently located in the heart of Manhattan and is just steps from Times Square, Penn Station, and the Empire State Building...
Read morefrom $410/week
EC Melbourne
English school in Melbourne for students 18+. Learn English in Melbourne in a school sharing a campus with university students, giving you the perfect opportunity to mix with local people...
Read morefrom $380/week
EC Gold Coast
English school in Gold Coast for students 18+. Get the best of city living combined with the relaxed Australian beach attitude. Located in the heart of Surfers Paradise, close to restaurants, bars and attractions near the beach....
Read morefrom $415/week
EC Sydney
English school in Sydney for students 18+. Learn English in Sydney at centrally located school, close to all the sights and attractions this amazing city has to offer...
Read morefrom $380/week
EC Brisbane, Australia
English school in Brisbane, Australia for students 18+. Open yourself to a world of exciting possibilities at EC Brisbane and give yourself a chance to live a different kind of life...
Read morefrom €230/week
BWS Germanlingua, Cologne
German School for adults 18+. Thanks to the highly qualified teachers, the welcoming atmosphere and the modern teaching facilities the school have earned a very good international reputation...
Read more1590€/2 weeks
don Quijote, Summer Camp in Malaga
Spanish summer school for students 5-17 y.o. You can't go wrong with a summer on the Mediterranean, and our international camp in Malaga is no exception. In addition to an unbeatable location, we offer a broad selection of optional workshops and excellent sports facilities.
Read more1590€/2 weeks
don Quijote, Summer Camp in Madrid
Spanish summer school for students 5-17 y.o. Tap into the energy of the urban Spanish capital while also enjoying sports and enriching optional activities, such as robotics workshops, at our international camp in Madrid.
Read more1590€/2 weeks
don Quijote, Summer Camp in Barcelona
Spanish summer school for students 5-17 y.o. Spend a summer on the beach without having to give up the culture and atmosphere of a metropolis: our Barcelona international camp lets you have the best of both worlds....
Read morefrom €260/week
BWS Germanlingua, Berlin
German School for adults 18+. Thanks to the highly qualified teachers, the welcoming atmosphere and the modern teaching facilities the school have earned a very good international reputation...
Read morefrom €260/week
Oscars International Dublin
English school for students18+. The vibrant atmosphere and cultural diversity will make your stay here an exciting and memorable experience....
Read more$495/week
FLS, High School Completion, Citrus College
English school for students 15+. Available to students in advanced levels, the high school completion program, in cooperation with Penn Foster, provides assistance...
Read morefrom $395 USD/week
Ustudy Spanish, Special Programmes
Spanish school for students 18+ in Mexico. Cancún is a city in southeast Mexico on the northeast coast of the Yucatán Peninsula. It is a significant tourist destination...
Read morefrom $160 USD/week
Ustudy Spanish School
Spanish school for students 18+ in Mexico. Cancún is a city in southeast Mexico on the northeast coast of the Yucatán Peninsula. It is a significant tourist destination...
Read more£17,175 per year
Newcastle University
Newcastle University has a proud reputation of academic excellence, spanning more than 180 years. The new London campus brings this Russell Group education to a major world city for business, finance and commerce...
Read more32,366 GBP/year
Manchester University
University delivers innovative academic and rich, hands-on education to enhance student knowledge...
Read more€ 4.470/46 weeks
Alpha Aktiv, Programme for future university students, Heidelberg
Germn school for students 16+. Alpha Aktiv Language Academy offers a special course which is designed for students who wish to apply for a German University...
Read more4 Weeks in for £999
Delfin English School, London
English School for students 18+. Delfin English School London offers a English language learning experience which is both fun and educational. We want our students to feel part of something special...
Read more4,595 GBP/2 weeks
Oxford Royale Academy, Medical School Preparation, St Andrews
A medical summer course residential in the University of St Andrews designed to help students aged 16-18 with their Medical School applications...
Read more4,595 GBP/2 weeks
Oxford Royale Academy, Law School Preparation, St Andrews
Kick-start your legal career this summer with the law school preparation programme, part of ORA's St Andrews Summer Law School...
Read more4,595 GBP/2 weeks
Oxford Royale Academy, Business and Enterprise Programme, St Andrews
Spend two weeks studying Economics and Business Management, and their practical applications, on this inspiring summer programme, residential in the stunning setting of the University of St Andrews...
Read morefrom £11,845/year
Glasgow Caledonian University
Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) is a vibrant, innovative and multi-award winning University for the Common Good...
Read more5,995 GBP/2 weeks
Oxford Royale Academy, Computer Science Programme, Cambridge
The Computer Science Cambridge summer programme is designed to introduce students aged 16-18 to Computer Science, including three programming languages...
Read more4,595 GBP/2 weeks
Oxford Royale Academy, Veterinary Science Programme, Cambridge
This two-week course will give students an insight into studying Veterinary Science or Veterinary Medicine in the UK, and offers a combination of theoretical academic study and practical vet skills workshops...
Read moreby request
City, University of London
City, University of London is a special place. With skill and dedication, we have been using education, research and enterprise to transform the lives of students...
Read more5,995 GBP/2 weeks
Oxford Royale Academy – Global Business, Management and Finance Course
A business summer course for adults designed to enhance critical business, management and financial knowledge. Residential in an Oxford University college...
Read more4,995 GBP/2 weeks
Oxford Royale Academy, iOS App Programming and Web Development
Learn to build apps and websites in colleges of the University of Oxford this summer on Oxford Royale Academy's iOS App Programming and Web Development summer course for adults...
Read more4,595 GBP/2 weeks
Oxford Royale Academy, Summer School for Adults in Oxford
An English summer course for young adults, residential in a college of the University of Oxford...
Read more5,995 GBP/2 weeks
Oxford Royale Academy, Introduction to Medicine
A two-week medicine summer course residential in the University of Oxford. Designed to introduce students to the practical and theoretical sides of medicine...
Read more5,995 GBP/2 weeks
Oxford Royale Academy, Introduction to Law
The Introduction to Law course, for ages 13-15, is the perfect programme for any student considering future studies or a career in Law...
Read more4,595 GBP/2 weeks
Oxford Royale Academy, Introduction to Enterprise
A two-week academic summer programme for students 13-15 y.o. combining exciting, interactive study of the key principles of Economics with cutting-edge Business Studies.
Read more4,995 GBP/2 weeks
Oxford Royale Academy, Introduction to Computer Science
The Introduction to Computer Science course for students 13-15 y.o. provides students with a head-start in the fascinating discipline of Computer Science.
Read more5,995 GBP per 2 weeks
Oxford Royale Academy, Introduction to Leadership Programme in Oxford
A leadership summer programme for students 13-15 y.o. residential in a University of Oxford college. Designed to give students an early insight into what it takes to be a successful leader...
Read more4,595 GBP/2 weeks
Oxford Royale Academy, Summer School in Oxford
An intensive English language immersion programme for international students aged 13-15 in Oxford...
Read morefrom 235$/week
TALK School, Aventura
English school in Aventura for students 5+. TALK Aventura is located in this “City of Excellence”, an affluent international city to the north of the Miami metropolitan area...
Read more€999/week
French Riviera, English/French+Sport Camp, Nice
English/french+sport camp for students 6-17 y.o. The camp provides unforgetable experience for your kids in the one of the most beautiful places in the world...
Read more140$/week
Uceda School, Elizabethtown
English school in Elizabethtown for students 18+. From the shores of the port to the beautiful greenery of Elmora, there are plenty of exciting things to do in Elizabeth...
Read more$180/week
Uceda, Las Vegas
English school in Las Vegas for students 18+.Las Vegas location offers a facility where some amazing ESL training occurs ...
Read more$115/week
Useda School, Orlando
English school in Orlando for students 18+. The City of Orlando, Florida, is a popular vacation destination for people from around the world...
Read more140$/week
Uceda, Miami Beach
English school in Miami Beach for students 18+. UCEDA SCHOOL is located in the heart of Miami Beach...
Read more€2600/25 weeks
Apollo Centre, Study & Work Programme, Dublin
English summer school in Dublin for students 18+. Apollo Language Centre’s Adult School islocated in Dublin city centre with in 5 minutes’walk to Grafton Street and...
Read more$365/week
Edu-inter, French for Teachers in Quebec
French school in Quebec for adults. Edu-inter is a French immersion school accredited by Languages Canada and with a 10-year experience in teaching French to foreign students...
Read more$695 per week
Edu-inter, French and Cooking in Quebec
French school in Quebec for adults. Edu-inter is a French immersion school accredited by Languages Canada and with a 10-year experience in teaching French to foreign students...
Read more$1700 per week
Summer Dance French Camp for Teens, Quebec
French dance summer camp for teens 10-17 y.o. An effective French immersion experience, combining language classes in the morning with an afternoon dance camp...
Read more$1725/week
Summer Tennis French Camp for Teens, Quebec
Summer French Tennis school for teens. After French classes, students spend 3 hours per day learning and practicing tennis in Academie de tennis Hérisset Bordeleau...
Read more$1580 per week
Edu-inter, Summer French Camp for Teens, Quebec
French summer camp for teens 10-17 y.o. The summer French immersion school for teenagers has been offered every summer since 2006...
Read more$250 per week
Edu-inter, French for Adults, Quebec
French school in Quebec for adults. Edu-inter is a French immersion school accredited by Languages Canada and with a 10-year experience in teaching French to foreign students...
Read more£640 per week
Lewis Summer School, New Forest
Summer English school for students 11-17 y.o. New Forest is a National Park with approximately 150 square miles of unspoilt, natural beauty....
Read more£740 per week
Lewis Summer School, Reading Centre
Summer English school for students 11-17 y.o. Classic Programme combines fun and challenging lessons with a full activity...
Read more£620 per week
Lewis Summer School, Southampton
Summer English school for students 11-17 y.o. Classic Programme combines fun and challenging lessons with a full activity...
Read more910 CHF/week
Frilingue, Malta
Summer English school for teens. Junior camp is located in St. Paul's Bay, a picturesque fishing town in northeastern Malta. In the small center with its historic buildings, traditional shops...
Read more2300 CHF/week
Science Summer Camp, Cambridge
English summer school in Cambridge for students 14-17 y.o.
Read more1300 CHF per week
Summer camp Estavayer-le-Lac, FriLingue
Summer French/German school for teens 12-17 y.o.
Read more1700 CHF per week
FriLingue Summer Camp, Leysin
Summer English/French school for teens. ...
Read morefrom €235/week
Key 2 Learn Summer School, Chalkida
Summer English/Greek school in Greece. Having 30 years of experience in the language learning industry, the School is the expert in making sure that all our students receive the best possible learning experience
Read moreby request
FIGS, IEFT school, Lyon
French school for students 18+. IEFT school of tourism provides undergraduate and graduate programs with a solid foundation for the management of tourism businesses...
Read moreby request
FIGS, IET School, Lyon
French school for students 18+in Lyon. IET School gives students the opportunity to focus on today’s most pressing environmental issues, offering a chance to be involved in real-world problem solving...
Read moreby request
FIGS, 3A School, Lyon
French school for students 18+. 3A gave itself an ambitious vocation: to prepare our students to do business differently, all around the world...
Read moreFrom £345/week
Bell London
English school in London for students 18+. Study in one of the most exciting and diverse cities in the world at London school, located in the heart of the capital...
Read moreFrom £345 per week
Bell Cambridge
English school in Cambridge for students 18+. Study in Cambridge, an historic city famous for its academic excellence, at beautiful Bell campus....
Read more£1,175 per week
Bell Bloxham School, Oxfordshire, Summer School
English summer school in Cambridge for students 11-17 y.o. Join us this summer to study our flagship English Explorer programme, where students can explore the English language and develop...
Read more£1,175 per week
Bell Cambridge, Summer School
English summer school in Cambridge for students 11-17 y.o. Follow in the footsteps of great Cambridge scholars with an inspiring academic and cultural experience in this famous university city....
Read more£1,175 per week
Bell, Wellington College, Berkshire
English summer school in Berkshire for students 11-17 y.o. Join the English elite for academic and sporting success at one of the UK’s largest and most prestigious boarding schools...
Read more£1,175 per week
Bell St Albans Summer Camp
Summer English school for children 11-17 y.o. Join us this summer to study flagship English Explorer programme, which offers a holistic language experience...
Read morefrom 1940€/3 weeks
Junior French summer camp, Toulouse
Summer school in Toulouse for teenagers between 14 and 17 years old. Study French and enjoy an unforgettable experience by meeting people and learning at the same time...
Red morefrom €235/week
Langue Onze Toulouse
Learn French in France in Toulouse, enjoy a unique French experience! Discover our French courses all year long
Read morefrom 400AED/week
UKCBC Dubai, English Courses
English school in Dubai for students 18+. The location of brand new campus in Dubai is in the heart of the Dubai International Academic City...
Read more350$/week
Sherwood International Summer Camp, Bakuriani, Georgia
Summer school for kids 9-17 y.o. in Georgia. Digital Media Academy was founded in 2002 as part of Stanford University’s School of New Media...
Read more$2204 USD/week
Digital Media Academy, Summer STEM Camp, Stanford
Summer STEM school for teens. Digital Media Academy was founded in 2002 as part of Stanford University’s School of New Media...
Read more1750 euro/week
California Language Academy, summer camp, Los Angeles
Summer camp for teens 13-17 y.o. in Los Angeles. Los Angeles is one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the United States, with a melting pot...
Read more1750 euro/week
California Language Academy, summer camp, San Diego
Summer camp for teens in San Diego. San Diego is America’s finest city and one of the top destinations in the world to study English...
Read morefrom $100/week
California Language Academy, Los Angeles
English school in Los Angeles for students 18+. Los Angeles is one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the United States, with a melting pot of different cultures...
Read morefrom $100/week
California Language Academy, San Diego
English school in San Diego for students 18+. San Diego is America’s finest city and one of the top destinations in the world to study English...
Read more€650/week
The English in Cyprus, summer school
English summer school in Cyprus for students 7-17 y.o. Classic Course uses a fun and motivational approach to learning, getting students excited about speaking English while experiencing different cultures through their new friends....
Read more€ 1015/2 weeks
Alpha Aktiv Language Academy, summer school, Heidelberg, Germany
Summer german language course for teens. Alpha Aktiv offers regular intensive courses as summer courses. During this time the course content focuses mainly
Read morefrom 200 euro/week
Alpha Aktiv Language Academy, Heidelberg, Germany
German language course for students 18+. The language academy Alpha Aktiv was established in 2003 by Ms. Beata Drogi, a pedagogue and specialist in German studies ...
Read more1.525€
Alpha Aktiv Language Academy, courses for doctors, Heidelberg, Germany
German medicine course for students 18+.
Read morefrom £685/week
LSI Auckland, summer school for teens
Summer camp in London for students 12-17 y.o. Situated right in the heart of the city and next to Myers Park, the centre is a bright and welcoming place to study.
Read morefrom £685/week
LSI Brisbane, Australia, summer school for teens
Summer camp in London for students 12-17 y.o.
Read morefrom £ 685/week
LSI London, summer school for teens
Summer camp in London for students 12-17 y.o. This school is the sister centre to London Ealing and offers group only courses to juniors outside the peak summer months
Read morefrom £700/week
Young Learners centre, The Godolphin School In Salisbury, UK
English summer school for students from 12 y.o. The ancient city of Salisbury is an archetypal English Cathedral city – architecturally fascinating, historic and...
Read morefrom 100£/week
UK College of English, London
Language school in London for students 18+. Situated in the heart of the world’s most exciting city, UK College of English has 11 training rooms...
Read morefrom 100£/week
Language school in Dubai for 18+. UKCBC Dubai is the College’s first international Campus situated in the heart of Dubai International...
Read moreby request
Silicon Valley Institute of Technology
Summer course in Silicon Valley for students 18+. This program is for anyone with a basic mature business sense who is keen to start, fund, or grow a tech related project...
Read more€789/week
Riviera French Institute, teachers course, Cannes
Franch/English school in Cannes for teachers 18+. Specialised courses for teacher teaching French/English as a foreign language (Required level: C1)...
Read morefrom €900/week
Diplomatic course in Cannes
French diplomatic course for students 18+. This programme is established under the regulations in force by the European Parliament for the training of MEPs...
Read more€850/week
Riviera French Institute, camp for kids in Nice
English/french camp for students 8-17 y.o. The camp provides unforgetable experience for your kids in the one of the most beautiful places in the world...
Read morefrom €850/week
Riviera French Institute, summer camp in Cannes
Summer french camp for students 8-17 y.o. The camp provides unforgetable experience for your kids in the one of the most beautiful places in the world...
Read morefrom €359/week
Riviera French Institute, Cannes
Franch/English school in Cannes for students 18+. Cannes is famous across the globe for its International Film Festival and luxary life of...
Read more$899 USD/week
iD Tech Camp, University of Washington – Seattle
Summer STEM school for students 13-17 y.o. At iD Tech, teens of all skill levels discover coding, AI, machine learning, film, robotics...
Read morefrom $999 USD/week
iD Tech Camp, University of Denver
Summer STEM school for students 13-17 y.o. Programs in Denver provide the perfect balance of STEM learning and summer fun...
Read more$1,678 USD/week
iD Tech Camp, UC Berkeley
Summer STEM school for students 13-17 y.o. At iD Tech, teens of all skill levels discover coding, AI, machine learning, film, robotics...
Read moreот $999 USD/week
iD Tech, Stanford University, Palo Alto
Summer STEM school for students 13-17 y.o. At iD Tech, teens of all skill levels discover coding, AI, machine learning, film, robotics...
Read morefrom $799 USD/week
iD Tech Camp, Northwestern University, Evanston
Summer STEM school for students 13-17 y.o. Get a taste of collegiate life this summer at Northwestern! This university is globally recognized for the quality of its educational programs...
Read more$1,678 USD/week
iD Tech Camp, Bentley University, Waltham
Summer STEM school for students 13-17 y.o. At iD Tech, teens of all skill levels discover coding, AI, machine learning, film, robotics...
Read more$1,678 USD/week
iD Tech Camp, American University, Washington
Summer STEM school for students 13-17 y.o.
Read morefrom $849 USD/week
iD Tech Camp, San Diego
Summer STEM school for students 13-17 y.o. Flagship weeklong, co-ed experience offers courses for every interest in a well-balanced, fun environment...
Read more€869/week - special offer
Wine Tasting Courses in Cannes, Riviera French Institute
French school in Cannes for students 18+. Improve your English and learn how to discuss wine in this magnificente school on French Riviera...
Read moreby request
Tamwood Montreal, summer camp for kids
Summer school for kids 7-12 y.o. This structured program provides kids with an amazing and safe international educational experience
Read more369 euros/week
NSTS Malta 50+
English school in Malta for students 50+ y.o. NSTS Malta is the first English Language school in Malta with 55 years of professional experience...
Read morefrom 149 euro/week
NSTS Malta
English school in Malta for students 18+ y.o. NSTS Malta is the first English Language school in Malta with 55 years of professional experience...
Read more3D Game Design Summer Camp, Orlando, USA
English 3D Game Design school for students 13-17 y.o. The 3D Game Design Summer Camp is designed for teens wanting to design and build a multi-dimensional interactive experience...
Read more£1,660/2 weeks
Central Film School, summer course, London
English Teen Filmmaking Summer Programme in London. Central Film School London offers students from all over the world short, undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in filmmaking...
Read morefrom £1,595/term
CATS London
English boarding school in London for students 14+ y.o. Located in the heart of academic London, near the prestigious University of London Colleges...
Read morefrom £1,595/term
CATS Cambridge
English boarding school in Cambridge for students 14+ y.o. Purpose-built campus designed to give you the best environment for both studying and living Cambridge.
Read more£9,238/term
D’overbroeks college
English school for students 13+. UK Study Abroad courses are designed specifically for students wanting to experience studying in a UK school...
Read morefrom £12,685/year
Queen Ethelburga’s College
English boarding school in England for children 1-13 y.o. At Queen Ethelburga’s we offer our students a vast array of opportunities, enabling them to pursue their particular interests and aspirations...
Read morefrom 100€/week
Babilonia, Italian language school, Sicily
Italian language school for students 18+ in Sicily. The Italian Language and Culture Center BABILONIA is a Italian school for foreigners, which offers Italian courses in Taormina ...
Read more150 000 rub/2 weeks
Bradfield College, summer camp in England
English summer camp for children 9-17 y.o. The camp takes place in one of the leading British boarding schools, located near...
Read more£2725/2 weeks
Millfield Holiday Courses for teens, Street Campus
English summer school for students 12-17 y.o. Street Campus is one of the UK's leading co-educational independent schools situated in the beautiful Somerset countryside...
READ MOREfrom ¥1050/week
Mandarin House, Shanghai
Chinese school for students 16+ y.o. Shanghai is full of opportunity and through our practical Chinese language programs, Mandarin House Shanghai can help open the door to your future in China....
READ MOREfrom 295£/week
Inlingua, Cheltenham
English school for students 16+ y.o. Inlingua is the only private English language school locally, which provides maximum exposure to the language, culture and people....
READ MOREfrom $450/week
Kaplan, Miami
English school in Miami for students 18+. Glittering beaches, bright blue seas and year-round sunshine are tempting enough, but Miami is more than just a great place...
Read more840€/week
French school for teens in Cannnes. More independence, more autonomy and more free time, exclusive program for 16-17 years old teens!
READ MOREfrom 269€/week
Centre International d’Antibes
French school for adults in Antibes. Centre International d’Antibes is now the best French school in France for foreign students, Centre offers French lessons to meet every need.
READ MORE€750/week
Apollo, Junior Summer School, Dublin
English summer school for students 11-17 y.o. Apollo Language Centre (Apollo), an LAL partner, is an English language school in Ireland with superb centres for juniors in Dublin...
READ MOREfrom $400/week
EC School, San Francisco
English school for students 16+ y.o. .The city’s Victorian heritage mingles its tradition of nurturing digital pioneers and innovative thinkers...
READ MOREfrom $360/week
Stafford House, San Francisco
English school for students 16+ y.o. San Francisco is the most international of all American cities. Ideal weather, excellent food, and a personality all its own...
READ MOREfrom 210£/week
Oxford School of English Junior Summer School
English summer school for students 12-17 y.o. The OSE Junior Summer School (operated by OSE (Juniors) Ltd) provides a memorable experience for students from all over the world..
READ MOREfrom 222£/week
Oxford School of English
English school for students 16+ y.o. Courses at Oxford School of English are of the highest quality, but are offered at some of the lowest prices in England for the same level of academic content...
READ MORE€264/week
Alpha School of English, Family Course, Malta
Family course of English, Malta. This family course programme is specifically designed to fit the lifestyle and requirements of each individual family...
READ MOREfrom 175€/week
ATC Dublin
English school for students 16+ y.o. Dublin is one of Europe’s most popular tourist destinations and is world famous for its hospitality, culture, arts..
READ MOREfrom 250£/week
LAL, Gozo
English school for students 16+ y.o. Learn English in a small boutique school of English. Enjoy a very friendly atmosphere, get some time to relax and discover more...
READ MORE$450/week
Lexis English, Noosa
English school for students 16+ y.o. Noosa is one of Australia’s most prestigious and popular holiday locations, showcasing the very best of the Australian lifestyle with stunning beaches..
READ MOREfrom £595/week
Harrow House Young Learners, Swanage
English school for students 8-11 y.o. Harrow House Swanage is situated in one of the safest coastal locations in the UK and offers English ...
READ MORE326£/week
You can find Stafford House Cambridge in the heart of the city...
Read details£1325/week
Nike Summer Camp, Field Hockey + English
English + field hockey summer courses for students 12-17 y.o. Choosing from three types of camps, international players can choose to take daily English or Advanced English lessons alongside a coaching curriculum...
READ MORE£1325/week
Nike Summer Camp, Golf + English
English + golf summer courses for students 12-17 y.o. The intensive coaching programme includes expert tuition as well as 9- and 18-hole on-course play. For the other half of the day...
READ MOREfrom 495 £/week
SCL, Курсы для взрослых, Лондон
English school for students 18+ y.o. and familys. From state-of-the-art teaching facilities – including classrooms with the latest interactive whiteboards...
READ MORE1680 £/ 2 weeks
Select English Summer Course, Culford
English summer course for students 12-16 y.o. Select English is an English language school in Cambridge. This British Council accredited language school is the perfect place for...
READ MOREfrom 295£/week
Wimbledon School of English
English school for students 16+ y.o. The school offers a wide range of flexible general, business and academic courses to meet the needs of all students ..
READ MOREfrom 220€/week
ISI Dublin Courses for adults and kids
English school for students 16+ y.o. Students of the school have the best technology and facilities to assist them in the learning process...
READ MORE$370/week
FLS, Saddleback College
English school for students 15+ y.o. FLS offers the valuable opportunity to combine your English program with experience of American-style life...
READ MOREfrom $365/week
Tamwood Whistler, English + Ski/Snowboard
English winter school for students 16+ y.o. In this program you have English lessons at the Tamwood Whistler campus in the morning and ski or snowboard in the afternoon from Monday to Friday...
READ MORE£448/week
Stafford House London
Stafford House is situated in the most historic city in London and offer courses for different purposes...
Read detailsfrom $320/week
FLS, Citrus College
English school for students 15+ y.o. Citrus College offers a great combination of suburban comfort and safety along with access to all of the attractions...
READ MORE$370/week
FLS, Philadelphia
English school for students 15+ y.o. FLS is located on the campus of Chestnut Hill College in northwest Philadelphia’s quaint Chestnut Hill neighborhood...
READ MOREfrom 210£/week
Malvern House London
English school for students 16+ y.o. The school offers a wide range of flexible general, business and academic courses to meet the needs of all students ..
READ MOREfrom 155 €/week
Alpadia, Berlin
German school for students 16+ y.o. Alpadia Berlin proposes an attractive variety of German language courses to help you improve your skills...
READ MOREfrom € 6,420/semester
New European College, Munich
New European College offers Bachelor, Master and MBA programs in International Management & Business in Munich – fully taught in English...
READ MOREfrom 200€/week
Atlas Language School, Dublin
English school for students 18+. This school is one of the best language schools in Dublin and provides an opportunity to learn English...
Read morefrom €160/week
Atlas Malta, St. Julians, The Program for Adults
English school for students 18+. The school is new and located in the beautiful Malta in the popular historical city of St. Julians...
Read moreon request
CEC, junior school, Ireland
English winter courses for students 10-18 y.o. CEC is a Quality English school. This courses are engaging and innovative, it will help your child do improve...
READ MORE£285/week
Kaplan Bath
English school for students 18+. The school is located in the modern city of Bath, which will give you an authentique British atmosphere ...
Read morefrom 221 €/week
Escuela de Idiomas Nerja, Spain
Spanish School for students 16+. Spanish Language, Culture and Civilization Courses, utilising a methodology that emphasizes communication process in practice.
READ MOREfrom ฿6,300/week
International House Bangkok
English School for teenagers and adults. International House Bangkok is a major centre of English language teaching and teacher training in Thailand...
READ MORE$1,946/week
Tamwood’s Montreal summer camp
English Summer Camp for students 13-17 years old. Montreal is a bi-lingual – English and French – city, is Canada’s third largest city and offers an amazing number of attractions...
READ MORE470$/week
Kaplan New York
English school for students 18+. Kaplan School in New York will give an unforgettable experience of staying in a metropolis and will provide an opportunity ...
Read moreMSM Summer Soccer Camp, Prague
Summer football camp for students 14-30 y.o. Intensive sports training sessions are combined with English language course in our football school in Europe...
READ MOREfrom 4615 €/week
Les Elfes School, Verbier
Summer camp for students 7-17 y.o. (French, English, Spanish or German). Les Elfes offers a chance to meet young people from all over the world, learn new languages or brush up on existing languages, explore Switzerland ...
READ MORE$1,910/week
Musical Theater camp, Toronto
English summer camp for students 13-17 years old. In the Performing Arts program at UTM-Mississauga, teen campers will explore and develop skills in Drama, Acting and Theatre, Music, Dance...
READ MORE$1206/week
Tamwood’s camp, Toronto
English Summer School for students 13-17 years old. Camp provides teenaged campers with a rich educational experience through English language classes, educational activities, cross cultural living...
READ MORE$1,971/week
Tamwood’s camp, Los Angeles
English Summer Camp for students 13-17 years old. Tamwood’s summer camp is located at the University of California at the great city Los Angeles...
READ MORE£895/week
Oscars International Summer Camp, London
English Summer School for students 12-17 years old. London is one of the foremost places that everyone should visit during their lives....
READ MOREfrom 225 €/week
Oscars International Cyprus
English School for students 18+. Limassol is the cosmopolitan hub of Cyprus, a blend of modernisation and its ancient past. Hip, vibrant restaurants and cafés cluster around the old town centre...
READ MOREfrom $385/week
Kaplan School, Auckland
English School for students 16+. Known as the City of Sails, Auckland is the largest city in New Zealand. Located on the North Island, it typifies the unbeatable beauty ...
READ MOREfrom £232/week
Oxford International School, London Greenwich
English School for students 16+. This refurbished school in London Greenwich offers state-of-the-art facilities in a fantastic location with high quality, affordable English courses
READ MOREfrom 485€/week
Azurlingua Summer Camp, Nice
French Junior Summer Camp. Azurlingua is one of the most prestigious French schools in France. Specialized in teaching French as a Foreign Language, the school has an extensive experience
Read morefrom £1850/2 week
Select English, Cambridge
English School for students 14+. This British Council accredited language school in Cambridge is the perfect place for you to study and learn English...
READ MORESpecial offer - £780/2 weeks
Oxford International School, Oxford
English School for students 16+. This Oxford English school is located in the very centre of the city, so students are immersed in Oxford life
READ MOREfrom 1450 CHF/week
ALPADIA, Leysin, Switzerland, Summer Camp
English and Franch Summer Camp for students aged 8-17 years old. It offers comfortable facilities that are perfectly suited to summer holidays in the Alps...
READ MOREfrom €280/week
BWS Germanlingua, Munich
German School for adults 18+. Thanks to the highly qualified teachers, the welcoming atmosphere and the modern teaching facilities the school have earned a very good international reputation...
READ MOREfrom 315£/week
EC London 30+
English School for students 30+. Improve your English with students from all over the world, in lessons designed for mature students. There are plenty of social activities...
READ MOREfrom 275£/week
EC School, Manchester
English School for students 16+. Famous for its contribution to twentieth century electronic music, and home to two iconic football teams, Manchester has enjoyed a revival in recent...
READ MOREfrom 220€/week
EC School, Malta
English School for students 16+. This sunny piece of paradise will inspire you with its megalithic temples, its crystal-blue seas, 3 UNESCO World Heritage sites, a lively nightlife...
READ MOREfrom €220/week
EC Malta 30+
English School for students 30+. Malta is known to many as the gem of the Mediterranean. With countless beaches, blue seas and a wonderfully relaxed atmosphere...
READ MOREfrom 410$/week
EC School, Los Angeles
English School for students 16+. Cycling along the beach between Santa Monica and Venice whilst spotting a celebrity at the local juice bar are everyday activities that our EC students enjoy when they’re not in class...
READ MOREfrom £315/week
EC School, London
English School for students 16+. History, culture, entertainment and shopping – London has it all. With some of the greatest theatres,art galleries, and museums...
READ MOREfrom 260€/week
EC School, Cape Town
English School for students 16+. With the majestic Table Mountain nestled in the background and the sea all around, Cape Town is an awe-inspiring city ...
READ MOREfrom 305£/week
EC School, Cambridge
English School for students 16+. Cambridge is a very walkable city and easy to cycle around, so its beautiful buildings and parks are only moments away...
READ MOREfrom £285/week
EC School, Bristol
English School for students 16+.Bristol is home to one of Britain’s top universities and attracts young people from all walks of life. It's a youthful, quirky city...
READ MOREfrom 400$/week
EC School, Boston
English School for students from 18 y.o. Boston has all the benefits of a big city without the frantic pace of New York or Los Angeles. Located right on the harbour, the city is home to the iconic Red Sox...
READ MOREfrom 300€/week
EC School, Dublin
English School for students from 18 y.o. Dublin is famous for its relaxed atmosphere and friendly people. Dublin should be your choice if you are looking to learn somewhere lively...
READ MOREStudy + Work Visa Programmes-€800
Delfin School, Dublin
English School for students 16+. Delfin English School Dublin offers a English language learning experience which is both fun and educational. We want our students to feel part of something special...
READ MOREfrom £1,360/2 weeks
Trinity UK, Leicester
Summer School for Juniors 10-17 y.o. The city of Leicester offers pedestrianized areas, great shopping, several tourist attractions and it’s officially the best well preserved...
TALK University, Boston
TALK University provideы high-quality affordable English and Professional Development training to international students...
READ MORE1400£/week
Nike Tennis Camps, England
NIKE TENNIS AND ENGLISH CAMP. For 10-17 year old boys and girls looking to improve their English language skills alongside their tennis on a 6- or 13- night camp...
READ MORE£365/week
SUL, London
SUL Language Schools is based in Cornwall in the South West of England, and delivers English language experiences embracing British culture...
Read more940£/week
Summer School EC in Frensham
Summer Language School in Frensham College for students 13-17 y.o. Frensham Heights Campus is surrounded by lush green countryside and features a pool, performing arts centre and high-tech...
READ MOREfrom C200$/week
ILAC, Vancouver & Toronto
English school 16+. ILAC has modern, boutique style facilities in Toronto and Vancouver, two of the best cities to live in the world according...
READ MOREfrom €340/week
Azurlingua, Nice
French School +18. Azurlingua school is situated right in the heart of Nice, an approximate 15 minute walk from the seafront...
Read morefrom $400/week
EC School, Miami
English School for students +18. EC Miami is located in an iconic landmark building, in the very centre of South Beach. The white sand and turquoise sea is just a short walk down ...
Read more€430/week
EC Juniors, Malta
English Summer School for 13-17 y.o. young leaners. EC offers fantastic study programmes for young learners and, with over 20 years’ experience. School provides a high standard of education...
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