MSM Summer Soccer Camp, Prague

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от 2040 CHF / неделя

Swiss Education Academy, зимний лагерь, Швейцария

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CATS Academy, Школа-пансион, Бостон

От $ 1800 / 2 недели

CATS Academy, Школа-пансион, Бостон

CATS Academy Boston предлагает обучение в международной школе-пансионе. Студенты следуют американской учебной программе, чтобы подготовиться...

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Ermitage International school, IB Programs

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Ermitage International school, IB Programs

At Ermitage, we propose two distinct programs of study, united by shared values, a multilingual campus and an openness to the world.

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SEK International schools

from 10000 €

SEK International schools

EK has a network of twenty three schools and two universities, and a higher education center, located in fifteen countries, which include Spain, Chile, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Colombia and Paraguay.

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Miami International University of Art and Design, Virtual Sessions


Miami International University of Art and Design, Virtual Sessions

Are you a high school student who cannot wait to explore the creative class options available at the college level? The Art Institutes’ College Bound program is open to High School students interested in exploring collegiate courses in design, media arts, fashion and culinary.

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Stafford House, Creative courses

Stafford House, Creative courses

EC Juniors, Malta


EC Juniors, Malta

English Summer School for 13-17 y.o. young leaners. EC offers fantastic study programmes for young learners and, with over 20 years’ experience. School provides a high standard of education...

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